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12 Random Days of Christmas – Day 5

In case you missed Day 4, click here.

Day 5 – Gift Wrapping


This favourite of mine is a bit more of eye candy, and less about me actually participating.  I’ll admit, I like to make a pretty gift basket, and wrapping presents can be fun.  I just lack the attention to detail and patience involved in beautiful gift wrapping.  I can’t make myself fold and re fold, and make sure everything is perfectly even.  Nor can I make myself scour the house looking for DIY potential items to make a name tag and/or bow, and then basket weave the ribbon into a perfect oblivion!!  It sounds great and all, but I just can’t make myself do it.  Seems like something I’d be totally down with, but no.  I’m the type that may accidentally tear the paper and will then just tape it shut.  Or if I run out of paper, or cut it too short, I’ll just use it anyway and attempt to patch work somehow.  I might even use a stick on bow to hide my shame.  In all honesty, I’m just too lazy, and feel like it’s too late to turn back at that point.  I’ve put in so much effort already!


Now I’m not saying I wrap with a newspaper or just put gifts in a garbage bag, I’m still me and like to make things pretty…  I just like to make things pretty with the least amount of effort needed is all.  Gift wrapping can also allow for an additional outlet to theme the crap out of something from the inside out.  Nothing pleases me more than a good theme, but looking under the tree and seeing all of the different color papers, bows, ribbons, name tags, gift bags and so on is a close second!

With creating something so pretty and fancy then leads to the savage destruction of said beautiful thing.  Kind of like knocking over that lego tower you just spent 15 minutes building.  It’s a weird satisfaction, and I can’t explain it, nor do I think I really want to know the true meaning of this.  I do like to take my time unwrapping gifts, but I still enjoying tearing up the paper etc.  I never got those people that go and gently unfasten the tape, and slowly unfold everything as if they were planning to reuse every morsel of that wrapping.  I’m down with recycling gift bags and tissue paper, but I draw the line at wrapping paper and you should too.  Tear.. that.. shit.. UP!