12 Random Days of Christmas – Day 3

If you missed Day 2 click here.

Day 3 – Giving

The sun is hot on my skin, but the light breeze cools it enough to maintain my comfort.  I see the the condensation building and droplets of water dripping down the side of my beer bottle as I gaze over my surroundings.  Green grass, leafy trees, multicolored flowers speckled with butterflies and bees.  This describes my typical surroundings as I jot down the perfect Christmas shopping list.

listEarly?  Perhaps.  Neurotic?   A tad.  Thoughtful?  Most definitely!

Amongst all this crazy there truly is a thoughtful and considerate person underneath.  I love listing, purchasing, wrapping and giving the perfect gifts.  Sometimes they aren’t completely perfect, but I am still a regular person with a budget, so I really am giving the perfect gift with my abilities.


I’m that person who listens when you mention that you would love a new picture frame to match your decor, or that you would buy that lipstick if you had the extra money, or that you don’t have that kitchen tool required to make that amazing recipe for me to eat.  Don’t worry friend, I’ve got your back!  You will be making me delicious food in no time!  You know why?  Because I’m a good friend that was listening to you, and adding to my list, while you were rambling on about your life or some crap.

baconNot only do I love gift giving, but I also have a major weak spot for donating and other random acts of kindness.  Seriously, I was almost in tears when participants in a parade were wishing me a Merry Christmas.. I thought, “Wow, that is so nice of these stranger to think of me, and hope I have a great Christmas!”  I know that is way too sensitive, my husband has already told me, but I just can’t help it.  Giving that neighbor a box of chocolates after they help push your car out of the snow, putting change in the Salvation Army donation ball at the grocery store, giving a relative a plate of freshly baked cookies or giving up your place in the line up to that person with just one or two items.  It all makes my heart melt.

This truly is what Christmas is all about, for me anyway.  I encourage you to donate as much as possible, not only during the holiday season but always.  It’ll make you feel great, and will likely also make someone else feel great too!

About nicolerandom

I'm a Canadian lady, wife and mom that enjoys the finer things in life. These finer things often include baking, crafting, cooking, reading, beautifying and trying my hardest to live a healthy lifestyle. When I'm not taking part in the aforementioned activities, I am busy loving my family, the environment, and attempting to make my life as efficient as possible.

Posted on December 14, 2014, in Random Thoughts and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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